New Church Ministry proudly presents IMPACT, a new webinar series that welcomes you on a captivating journey of storytelling and deep mutual learning. In each episode, host and Minister of New Church Strategies Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez invites guests who have defied conventions and fostered vibrant communities of faith to share their invaluable experiences and personal narratives. By exploring the challenges, triumphs, and transformative moments of these visionary leaders, attendees gain invaluable inspiration and direction for their own ventures. 

This dynamic series embraces diversity, welcoming influential leaders from a multitude of faith traditions and backgrounds. From established religious institutions to emerging spiritual movements, IMPACT showcases a broad spectrum of voices and perspectives, ensuring participants have a rich tapestry of insights to draw from. While each of its speakers bring a distinct approach and innovative strategies to the table, equipping participants with a toolkit of ideas to create thriving, inclusive places of worship that resonate with today’s seekers, IMPACT emphasizes the power of storytelling as a catalyst for change. Whether you are an aspirational individual looking to make a difference or a member of an established congregation that is considering revitalizing its mission, IMPACT is your transformative guide. Join us as we delve into the profound potential that storytelling has to shape the future of faith communities worldwide. Together, we can ignite a new era of spiritual vitality and make an enduring impact on the lives of those we serve.

What does Prophetic Advocacy look like in our daily lives? Join Rev. Cherisna Jean-Marie, Dean of the Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt University, and host Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez, Minister of New Church Strategies, for a webinar that explores this core competency of DisciplesNEXT, its connections to spiritual formation, and what it has to do with New Church!

Are you looking for tangible solutions to tricky problems that new churches encounter on a daily basis? If so, then you may be interested in our other webinar series, New Church Hacks.