Coaching is a one-on-one process of imparting to a leader the encouragement and skills they need to succeed in a task.

Watch coach Chad explain coaching at last year’s Leadership Academy

New Church Ministry coaches walk alongside new/affiliating pastors and leaders to help them remain on track and accountable for the goals they have set for themselves and their faith communities.

Our New Church Ministry Coaches practice a ministry of compassion, love and encouragement through their ability to inspire, encourage, and strengthen new church planters and newly affiliating pastors to be fully accountable to God, their families and the Church.

For more information, please take a look at our FAQs.

Interested in coaching our New Church leaders?

New Church Ministry Coaches are God’s faithful servants dedicated to serving New Church leaders/pastors through active listening and strategic questioning.


  • At least two years as a successful pastor or lay leader in a Christian Church
  • Experience in church planting or redevelopment
  • Good standing with the local Church and Region
  • Ability to travel to Indianapolis to attend initial New Church Ministry Coach training
  • Spiritually and biblically grounded
  • Good listening and communication skills
  • Ability to care and yet challenge
  • Creative thinking to help develop strategies for each unique context
  • Ability to encourage and motivate
  • Knowledge of the skills needed for effectively starting churches
  • Demonstrates maturity, integrity and confidentiality
  • Displays the passion to reach new people for Christ through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
  • Willingness to devote time and energy to this ministry
  • Strong Disciples identity

Job Description

A New Church Ministry coach will work with up to four pastors over a maximum of two years. A coach:

  • Is a prayer partner for the pastor and an intercessor for the project
  • Helps the pastor keep a clear focus on the vision, mission and values of the project
  • Helps the pastor develop strategies for fulfilling the congregation’s mission
  • Helps the pastor set priorities and goals and accomplish them
  • Helps the pastor deal with challenges and obstacles, learn from failures, celebrate successes and find patience when it is needed
  • Encourages spiritual growth and healthy work/life balance
  • Works with project sponsors (region, congregations, etc.) to hold the pastor accountable for good ministry performance
  • Attends quarterly trainings to sharpen coaching expertise
  • Updates Minister of Coaching by submitting monthly reports in a timely manner

If you feel that you meet the following qualifications to join this committed group, please email Dr. Joi Robinson, Minister of Coaching, to express your interest.