Gift Pensions for New Church Planters

The New Church Gift Pension Program partners with new Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregations by assisting new church ministers with Pension Plan membership. The program provides a 5-year gift to supplement the pension dues paid by a new church start. As the church grows, the amount of the gift steps down each year, while the amount paid by the church increases.

Who is eligible?

  • New church planters who maintain standing with their respective region and whose
    new congregations are officially recognized by their region (new, emerging or in
  • NOTE: The new congregation must be planted with the expressed intent of becoming a unique worshiping community, not a satellite of an existing congregation or social enterprise/charitable organization.

How does one apply?

  • Applications are available from Pension Fund.
  • Applications require a letter of support from the applicant’s regional minister, identifying the minister as having good standing and identifying the congregation as an officially recognized new church start.
  • Applications also require a letter of support from the applicant’s congregation, expressing their support for paying pension dues according to the schedule outlined in this document.

What if the new church closes and/or the minister leaves the ministry?

  • Once the minister reaches the end of the 5-year program period, they are fully vested in all gift dues paid during the program’s duration.
  • If the new church closes prior to completing the 5-year period, and the minister remains in active ministry, then they fully vest in the gift dues paid by the program.
  • If the new church closes prior to completing the 5-year period, and the minister leaves active ministry, then any gift dues paid by the program are forfeited. The portion paid by the church is at all times fully vested with the minister.

To see how the New Church Gift Pension works, and to apply, please consult our MRA Program Overview.