Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) tested our Business Continuity Plan last Thursday and Friday, March 12 and 13. During this time, our physical offices have been closed and all staff have worked remotely during our normal business hours.
Last Friday afternoon, our executive leadership team decided to continue DCEF’s operations remotely through Friday, March 27, as to lower the likelihood of large scale service disruption should our office become exposed to COVID-19. We have made this decision hoping to reduce opportunities for Coronavirus exposure to our staff and partners.
We also make this decision in complete confidence that the proper procedures are in place so that all DCEF departments will remain operational and at your service. Loan advancements and investment transfers are being administered without disruption. Our treasury department continues to promptly process accounts receivables and donations as they come in. Our main switchboard and direct lines are open to receive calls remotely, and all staff is available via email. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch.
We will change one aspect of our day-to-day operations: travel. While we so greatly value our close relationships with our many partners, we have decided to issue a travel suspension for all DCEF staff and contractors until further notice. It is important that we mitigate any health risks to our staff and partners as we are able. If you have an upcoming DCEF consultation, seminar, or meeting already planned, we will be reaching out to you to reschedule (or go virtual!).
DCEF remains committed to providing you with superior customer service and genuine partnership. We are grateful for you and the ministry we make possible together, especially during these challenging times.
In partnership,
Erick D. Reisinger
President, Disciples Church Extension Fund