The religious landscape of North America is changing rapidly, with church membership and attendance on an accelerated decline. According to the Pew Research Center, the number of adults in the United States who self-identify as Christian has fallen by more than 10% during the last decade, and in Canada, that trend has followed the same downward trajectory. With statistics like those, it’s easy to feel discouraged.
But is it hopeless? Let’s look at the numbers.
During the same ten-year time period, hundreds of Disciples have launched churches become affiliated with our denomination. 519 new church leaders attended Leadership Academy, where they received cutting-edge training on how to start and sustain young faith communities. More than 300 church planters were nurtured by 56 skilled coaches, as they walked together through the early years of their new church. These bold church leaders refused to let national trends stand in the way of sharing the Good News in their communities, and are inspiring hope across the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
You can join these new church planters in their faith (and action!) by making a gift to the New Church Ministry Annual Fund today. Your contribution will ensure that more leaders will receive the innovative training and expert coaching they need to start and sustain the next decade of new Disciples congregations. New Church Ministry is developing new programs and resources every day, like New Church Hacks, a webinar series that helps pastors solve their new church problems with tools, tips and how-tos.
To help start the next generation of new churches and bring even more believers into the Disciples family, make a secure donation online by clicking here.
Thank you for your faithful support of our courageous new church leaders.
P.S. Did you know that we surpassed our goal to start 1,000 Disciples churches in the first two decades of the 21stCentury? We did! And there’s still more to do…