Mid-America regional assembly

Lake Ozark Christian Church 1560 Bagnell Dam Boulevard, Lake Ozark, Missouri, United States

CHRIST’S LOVE: WITHIN US, AMONG US, AROUND US New Church Ministry is very excited about Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez, interim Minister of New Church Strategies, being able to travel this fall to the Christian Church of Mid-America (Disciples of Christ)'s Regional Assembly. We hope you’ll join him for three days of wonderful activity. Can’t be … Continue reading Mid-America regional assembly

Tennessee regional assembly

Village Church Nashville 7224 Old Burkitt Road, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Wesley King, Program Coordinator, will be attending the Christian Church in Tennessee's regional assembly.

Pacific Southwest Regional Assembly

Disciples Ministry Center 115 E. Wilshire Avenue, Fullerton, California, United States

Rev. Dr. Joi Robinson, Associate Minister of New Church Strategies, will be attending the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Pacific Southwest Region's assembly. Learn more about it below. "Arise! Shine! For your light has come; and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." - Isaiah 3:1 (CEB) "And now why are you waiting? … Continue reading Pacific Southwest Regional Assembly

Capital Area Regional Assembly

The William F. Bolger Center 9600 Newbridge Dr, Potomac, Maryland, United States

Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez will be attending the Christian Church Capital Area's regional assembly. Find more information below. The theme for the 2022 Regional Assembly is "Justice, Mercy, Humility: What Is Required of Disciples Today?” based upon the scripture passage Micah 6:8 Keynote Speakers for the event are Rev. Dr. Bernard Richardson (Dean of the … Continue reading Capital Area Regional Assembly

Kansas City regional assembly

Overland Park Christian Church 7600 W 75th St, Overland Park, Kansas, United States

Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez, interim Minister of New Church Strategies, will be submitting a pre-recorded video to the regional assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Greater Kansas City. More information is available below. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14  5:00 pm Gathering Area Opens/displays by General and Regional Ministries5:30 pm Grilled Hot Dogs/Veggie Dogs, Chips and Water7:00 pm RED FRIDAY PRAISE & GRATITUDE CONCERT led by Disciples Musician SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 9:00 am Gathering Area Opens/displays by General and Regional Ministries9:15 am Worship and Praise – Sanctuary9:45 am   Break10:00 am Workshop:  The Struggle Is Real (Self-Care in a Season of Challenges)All workshops will combine panel presentations with participant engagement10:00 am – 12 pm Youth Workshops: Bloom Where You Are Planted! (Seed Planting Evangelism)Different Activities for Ages 16-17 Years, 12-15 Years, 7-11 Years, 4-6 Years, 3 Years-6 months10:50 am Break11:00 am Workshop: Making New Disciples in New Ways (Seed Planting Evangelism in 2022)12:00 pm Lunch: Sandwich and Salad, Water and Tea Display areas opened until 1:00 pm 1:10 pm Workshop:  Will the Circle Be Unbroken (New Ways to be the Church)2:00 pm Celebrating the Harvest of Seeds Planted/Blessings for the WorkersGratitude for Those Who Have Served Since our Last AssemblyElection of New Regional Board Officers and Seven Lay RepresentativesCommission of the New Regional BoardClosing Benediction3:00 pm Homeward Bound It is the hope of the Regional Assembly Planning Team that every participant will leave this Regional Assembly renewed, affirmed, and better equipped for the ministries to which we are all called. REGISTRATION Each paid registration makes it possible for the region to offer: Spirited Worship and CelebrationWorkshops designed to meet priority needs expressed by our congregationsFood on Friday and SaturdayRegional Assembly T-ShirtChildcare for children 3 years and underA $5 donation to the Micah Ministry

2022 Leadership Academy

At its annual Leadership Academy, New Church Ministry gathers leaders all across regions in the United States and Canada. Our team invites pastors, church planters, chaplains, and others who are interested in becoming empowered to join us. You do not need to be a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to attend. This … Continue reading 2022 Leadership Academy


CCDA National Conference

Sheraton / Le Méridien Hotel Complex 555 South McDowell Street, North Tower, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

You are invited to join Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez, interim Minister of New Church Strategies, at the Christian Community Development Organization's 2022 conference, where the theme is wellbeing. Here is more information about the event: Together, we will seek Wellbeing for our world, for our nation, for our communities, and for each other. Wellbeing isn’t just about being happy. … Continue reading CCDA National Conference

Georgia Regional Assembly

First Christian Church 268 W Dougherty Street, Athens, Georgia, United States

We are happy to announce that Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez (interim Minister of New Church Strategies) will be delivering a workshop, accompanied by Program Coordinator Wesley King, on pandemic-informed church at the Christian Church in Georgia's in-person Regional Assembly. Participants at the assembly will be convening around the theme “Re-church: Re-cast Your Net” from John … Continue reading Georgia Regional Assembly

American Thanksgiving holiday

Our staff will be out of the office in observance of this holiday.

Creating Best Practices for Creation Care

Hurricanes. Floods. Heatwaves. Our world is experiencing an increased amount of these natural disasters because of rising temperatures. What can Disciples do to address climate change and be responsible stewards of the environment? Learn the answer to this question and much more with host and Transitional Minister of New Church Strategies, Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez, … Continue reading Creating Best Practices for Creation Care